Tax Planning with Eliseo CPA, LLC

As we approach the 4th quarter of 2021, I am beginning to schedule 2021 tax planning meetings. If you are unsure of your tax burden for 2021 or you have experienced a significant change in income this year, this is an ideal opportunity for you to evaluate your current 2021 tax projection and also determine if any tax saving strategies are available to reduce your tax burden. With all the unprecedented events which have occurred this year I am encouraging clients to seriously consider this review.

What Is Tax Planning

Tax planning is the exercise of forecasting your tax liability through the best use of all available allowances, deductions, credits, exclusions, and exemptions, to reduce income and/or capital gains thereby reducing your overall tax bill. Tax planning can be done for the current year or for future years and as laws change it becomes vitally important to take advantage of the various changes. This could mean taking action prior to a certain law expiring, or possibly delaying something until you can benefit from a new law taking effect.

Tax planning helps taxpayers:

1)      Lower the amount of their taxable income;

2)      Reduce their tax rate;

3)      Allows greater control of when taxes get paid; and

4)      Maximizes tax relief and tax credits available

The Process

1. Schedule a Meeting:

I am expecting to fill all available tax planning meeting times so if you are interested you should schedule your meeting as soon as possible. You may use the link below to schedule a meeting time that works best for you.

Calendar -

2. Complete Questionnaire:

Questionnaire link -

3. Upload Applicable Documents:

Submit any documentation to me at least 10 calendar days before our meeting. Please do not provide documentation (or data) that is updated prior to September 30, 2021 or attempt to complete this questionnaire prior to September 30, 2021. The accuracy of my analysis is dependent upon the quality of the information you provide so providing the most current and detailed information will result in the most precise analysis.

Portal link -

Given all the fast-moving changes with the tax code this year, I will be forecasting tax liabilities and alternative strategies using the current tax laws. Due to scheduling limitations this year, in the unlikely event that there are late year congressional or IRS changes made to the tax code after our meeting date, I will not be able to rework any client tax planning analysis for 2021.

My fee for the fall tax planning season is $_____. This fee includes a prepared analysis illustrating your current expected tax liability for your business and personal taxes as well as any alternatives that may be available to you to save on tax for 2021 along with a phone or video call (up to 1-hour) to review your analysis and answer any questions you may have. This fee is fully deductible against your business.

Feel free reach out with any questions prior to scheduling a meeting. If you decide that this service is not for you, please let me know so I can remove you from further e-mail distributions regarding this matter.

I look forward to our conversation in the coming months.

Thank you!